Student Citizens in Action
A Public Service Announcement from PCS’s Lower and Upper Primary Classes
One of the guiding forces at PCS is a belief in the ability of students to affect change — in fact, it is our mission to make the world a better place through education.
And, we understand that change doesn’t just happen while we’re busy doing something else, or just because we think it’s a good idea. Change is made.
Children love to affect the world around them, to see the impact they can have in the world. When we dedicate time and space and guidance to making change — when we commit to making it a part of our daily work at school — look what can happen:
Each Friday afternoon at PCS is dedicated to Buddy Time. Students from Upper Primary are paired with students from Lower Primary, and Middle Primary students are paired with Early Childhood and Kindergarten students: sometimes they head over to the goat farm across the street together; sometimes the older students read to the younger students; sometimes they work on a project together or play on the playground. Last Friday Lower and Upper Primary students made a video about the upcoming midterm elections.
And what else can a civically aware students do before they reach voting age? Reach out to the closest voters they know — Middle Primary students researched the voting process and sample ballots before writing letters to family reminding them of the upcoming elections and offering a brief tutorial on the ballot process.