Tickets for SHARE are no longer available online, but a limited number will be sold at the door. See you tonight!
Sunday, August 11th, 2019, from 5:00 - 9:00 PM
Hallockville, Naugles Barn, Jamesport, North Fork, NY
Honoring Mary & Jim Casey
Please join us for a festive evening on the North Fork in a beautiful farm-setting for live music, dancing, local farm fare, local beer and wine, and a silent auction featuring unique East End experiences. We will come together to honor the wisdom of our elders, highlighting the impact of PCS founding grandparents Mary and Jim Casey, and to celebrate and support a place-based, project-focused model of education for more children in this community.
All proceeds support students with financial need at Peconic Community School.

We invite you to consider sponsoring this event. Sponsorships help ensure PCS can raise the funds to support scholarship opportunities for students. Benefits include ticket packages and varying levels of public recognition for your contribution. Opportunities range from $500 to $5,000. Tickets are $175 for individuals, $150 for PCS grandparents.
Mary & Jim Casey, on a trip to Ireland in 2017
Mary & Jim Casey
Mary and Jim Casey taught their daughters and PCS founders, Liz and Kathryn, everything they know about education, parenting, perseverance, compassion, and collaboration. They believed unequivocally in the idea of an independent community school from day one. They helped them raise their children while they held information sessions, built a board of trustees, created a vision, hired teachers, and ultimately ran the day-to-day operations of a school.
For seven years of running a school, and for 35 years before that, Mary and Jim have exemplified the PCS vision and mission: making our world a better place through compassion, resilience, and reflection in a safe, trusting environment.
This is why everyone at Peconic Community School is thrilled to celebrate the founding grandmother and grandfather of PCS, Mary and Jim Casey, at the annual summer fundraiser, SHARE: The Wisdom of our Elders, on Sunday, August 11th, 2019.
The event will thank Mary & Jim, as well as honor the community’s elders: grandparents, community members and loved ones who have shared their wisdom, and given PCS, as Mary Casey likes to say -- “roots and wings”.
Mary and Jim - as only the greatest elders and parents can - have helped to root Peconic Community School’s identity and work. They have also done so much to give PCS wings, so that the school and its students, teachers, and staff can freely navigate and explore their learning journey with wonder and awe; and truly fly. Through their combined experience educating, running a small business, coaching, counseling, child-rearing, and advising, Mary and Jim have had a profound impact on the PCS community and beyond.
Thank you to this year’s generous sponsors!
Wings Sponsors
Geri & Cindy Armine-Klein
Gerry & Lyn Mulligan
Roots Sponsors
Mary & Jim Casey
Doris Hinsch Lezny
Rebecca & Stan Searl
Scholar Sponsors
Barbara Butterworth & Michael Gill
Kathryn & Ryan Casey Quigley
Paul, Ann, Sean & Evan Casey
Phyllis & Sam Constan
Anne Fenton
John Fenton
Elsa Gibson
The Holbrooke Family
Joyce & John Holzapfel
Christine & Paul Kuzman
Allison & Casper LaBarbera
Joe Mc Kay
The Roussan Family
Liz & Stephen Searl
Wisdom Sponsors
Amanda Abraham & Charlie Sullivan
Emilyann & David Abraham
Anandham Landscaping Corp
Andy’s Restaurant
Franceska & Aaron Earls
Chrstine Killorin
Trish Eckardt & James Meehan
Ellen Nora's Art Camp
Liz Ertner & Matt Casey
Nancy Gilbert & Richard Wines
Scott Kurnit
Melissa & Michael LeFort
Neefus Stype Agency
Laurie & Erwin Rodger
Riverhead Toyota
Sandpebble Builders Inc.
Cynthia & Sean Tvelia
In Kind Sponsors
SHARE Event Committee
Amanda Abraham, Chair
Sara Berliner
Kathryn Casey Quigley
Liz Casey Searl
Valentina Castaneda
Michelina Da Fonte
Alison Delaney
Jade Eckardt
Megan Eilers
Anthony Holbrooke
Stephanie Israel
Maggie Kritsberg
Christine Kuzman
Jessie Marcus
Stephanie Pincar-Coleman
Danielle Rodger
Agathe Snow
in formation as of 6/3/2019