The Times Review: "Sixth Grader Organizes 'Fight for the Climate" Rally in Riverhead
Around age 5, Lea Rodger of Greenport, now 11, would tell anyone she ran into that she would be an entomologist when she grew up. People would be like, ‘How does she know that word?’ ” her mother, Danielle Rodger, recalled. “Lea has always been very connected with the environment — with nature, animals.” The environmentally conscious sixth-grader has organized “Fight for the Climate,” a Riverhead protest to raise awareness and promote climate action. It will begin at 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 11, outside the Long Island Aquarium.
read more at: The Suffolk Times: “Sixth Grader Organizes ‘Fight for the Climate’ Rally in Riverhead, January 9, 2020.