Lower Primary: Astronomy Integrated Studies Unit


Each trimester, PCS students across all grade levels embark on a shared unit of Integrated Study. The school studies a shared topic — this trimester, Astronomy — and each class finds its own theme within the topic to explore. The Integrated Unit brings together multiple disciplines in hands-on, project based learning in each class, and the shared topic amplifies learning across grade levels, as multi-age learners collaborate.

During the Celebration of Learning, Lower Primary engineers excitedly explained their work to visitors. LP engineers’ understanding of the concepts and technologies that enable modern space exploration were on display in the classroom: students had designed and created Lunar Rovers, Space Capsules, How-To-Live-In-Space manuals, and an interactive model of the International Space Station. Watch below as Middle Primary students tour the Lower Primary classroom during the Celebration of the Learning.

Middle Primary visits Lower Primary Celebration of Learning
Middle Primary visits Lower Primary Celebration of Learning
Middle Primary visits Lower Primary Celebration of Learning
Middle Primary visits Lower Primary Celebration of Learning
Middle Primary visits Lower Primary Celebration of Learning
Middle Primary visits Lower Primary Celebration of Learning
Middle Primary visits Lower Primary Celebration of Learning
Middle Primary visits Lower Primary Celebration of Learning

A look back a Lower Primary’s Astronomy study:


Kindergarten: Astronomy Integrated Studies


Middle Primary: Astronomy Integrated Study Unit