The Role of Literacy Skill Practice in the First Grade Classroom

๐Ÿ”ก๐Ÿ“– While so much of our work at PCS involves hands-on, integrated project work, we also dedicate time to developing critical literacy and math skills, particularly in the first and second grades when kids are making big leaps in understanding and ability. Discreet skill practice helps students concretize new concepts and solidify emerging skills and is an important component of the PCS academic experience.

In first grade, readers work with phonics and known blends to build and decode words in their texts. Today theyโ€™re adding ending -nk blends to a word wall to reference during their reading groups.

#literacyeducation #readingeducation #firstgradereading #scienceofreading #phonics #phonemeblends #wordstudy #wordwall #skillpractice #readinggroup #writingpractice


10 Week Check-In with 2nd Grade Writers


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